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Tailwind Ads FAQ
Tailwind Ads FAQ
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Written by Tailwind
Updated over a week ago

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How Does Tailwind Ads Management Work?

Tailwind Ads uses proprietary algorithms and the power of artificial intelligence to create and mange your ads in a variety of ways, which we call our 'recipe'. Our recipe is built in a way that supports the entire marketing funnel specifically for our eCommerce members. 🎉

Without giving away all of the secret ingredients, below are a few ways that we automagically manage your ad campaigns through Tailwind Ads:

  • Creation - We create ads for you. All we need is a link and from there we do the heavy lifting. We pull text and images from your site and repackage those into effective ads that then can be placed across our supported ad platforms.

  • Spend - We dynamically adjust ad spend. If a particular ad isn't getting the attention it deserves for the spend allocated, we dial spend back or pause the ad all together and reallocate funds towards ad assets that your audience is connecting with. This ensures that you get the best results for the lowest cost possible. Don't worry - we won't ever change your overall budget for ads, just how it's allocated between ads. We make these small adjustments to how your budget is allocated several times per day. Even while you're asleep, we're hard at work ensuring your ads do more work for your business.

  • Timing - We understand your audience's behavior and when they're psychologically inclined to make purchases. For example, we push upper funnel campaigns at times when your audience's purchase intent is lowest, which is the most optimal time to grow awareness of your brand. We push lower funnel campaigns when your audience's purchasing intent is highest, ensuring you pay a lower price for new purchases while minimizing wasted ad spend.

  • Placement - We know where your audience is active. Whether it be Instagram Stories, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram Feeds, or places in between; we know where to place your ads to drive success, and we allocate more of your budget towards the best performing placements. And while Facebook, Google, and others have some basic features to automatically optimize your spend between ads on their platform, only a tool like Tailwind allows you to optimize your spend between ad placements across all the different advertising channels that we currently support.

What makes all of the above even better? The longer you run Tailwind Ads, the more we know about what works for your brand and we use that information to fine-tune our optimizations, helping your ads become even more effective and efficient. 📈

I’ve Set Ads Live, What Do I Do Now?

Short answer, nothing, we got you covered until you have new products you want to promote! 🎉

Tailwind Ads management systems are super intelligent, but they take a little bit of time to learn what works best for your brand and audience, we call this your ads 'learning window'. This learning window typically spans 3 weeks, and during this time our ads management system adjusts spend, pauses/ stops ads, re-allocates spend between campaigns, and much more to get super smart about what works and doesn't work. For best results, we highly suggest not manipulating published ads or adjusting brand settings while in this window unless something is critically wrong with your setup.

When you have new products you want to promote, come back and create new ads!

You spoke and we heard! We are currently in the process of building out Action Recommendations. Action Recommendations are notifications from Tailwind when we need additional or new input to achieve even better ad performance. This will include suggestions like approving fresh ads so that we can test against your current best performing ad set, suggestions to for new audience targeting, and much more.

What are Brand Ads and Product Ads?

Brand and Product Ads are the two components of a complete Ad Bundle; Ad Bundles contain all necessary pieces of content to allow our ad management recipes to achieve the best results - more on how our ad management recipes work just above. Both Brand and Product Ads serve distinct functions but work in tandem within your Ad Bundle.

Brand Ads

Brand Ads serve the function of building out your upper funnel using a variety of different campaign objectives. The ad copy will be more educational and geared towards introducing new potential customers to your business, rather than focusing on a specific product and trying to get them to make a purchase. Compared to Product Ads, the spend on Brand Ads is fractional, but it's necessary in order to build an audience that's ready to make purchases through Product Ads. Priming audiences with Brand Ads has proven to show better results when compared to just serving an audience Product Ads. They're also great for growing your newsletter subscriptions, which you can nurture into future purchases.

Product Ads

Product Ads focus on mid-to-lower funnel efforts by running a variety of different campaign objectives. This ad type focuses on driving interested prospects directly to your product pages, so the ad copy is product-centric and intended to drive purchases. Compared to Brand Ads, our systems tend to spend a higher percentage of your budget on Products Ads as these lead to more add-to-cart and purchasing events.

When used in tandem with Brand Ads, our advertising system and unique recipes can produce great results at a low cost. Remember, Brand Ads and Product Ads are part of what's called an ad bundle. Ad bundles will always share the same base image between the ads. And whenever you set a Brand Ad or Product Ad live, its corresponding partner in the ad bundle will also go live.

Why is My Spend Not on Pace With My Budget?

Tailwind Ads manages ad campaigns in a multitude of ways, more on that just above. To this end, we allocate your budget based on a monthly basis instead of a daily basis -- so some days may see a spike in spend, while other days may see much less spend. We do this to ensure that your ad budget is spent on the right ads at the right time, minimizing wasted spend and maximizing results.

All this to say, it is not uncommon to see spend lower or higher than your daily projected budget, but we can assure you that we will never spend over your set budget for a month.

How Does Tailwind Ads Fit Into My Current Marketing Strategy?

Tailwind Ads is the perfect fit for all eCommerce brands regardless of your experience level with running paid advertising or current marketing strategy.

For those new to paid advertising, we have an easy onboarding process that guides you through the entire setup. We ask simple questions and pre-fill the answer based off of what we know about your brand, which allows us to take you from never having ran ads to having your first ads live in less than 10 minutes! From there, we handle the heavy lifting so you can get back to other parts of your business.

For those experienced in paid advertisement, we make the perfect partner to get better results from your existing spend. Our sophisticated ads management systems never sleep, they are constantly learning and optimizing to get you the best return on your investment.

What Do You Use My Setup Questions For?

No fear, your data is safe with us! We only use the answers collected during setup to build and inform your ads. These answers allow us to do things like generate effective ad copy and place your ads in front of qualified audiences. We NEVER expose your answers to potential customers, nor do we make your answers available outside of Tailwind or our ads partners.

Why Does My Meta Ads Manager Look Different Than TW Ads?

This is to be expected as a result of how our ads management systems work. As mentioned in the above section, we manage your ads in a variety of different ways, optimizing for spend, timing, placement, and more. Since we are leveraging sophisticated algorithms and the power of AI, we test a variety of ad recipes in parallel. This means that for every one ad bundle visible on your Tailwind Ads dashboard you might have several more ads in your Meta Ads Manager.

For the best results, it is critical that all ads manipulation take place within the Tailwind Ads dashboard. If adjustments are made in Meta directly, Tailwind cannot balance spend or interpret learnings effectively.

Why Am I Not Finding Success With Tailwind Ads?

There are a variety of reasons that you might not be finding the level of success you where hoping for from Tailwind Ads- check out this article for more information.

Why Am I Getting [This] Error?

FB Warning: “Ad set may get zero link clicks”

This warning is common considering how Tailwind Ads manages your spend on Meta. Typically we start with a low budget allocation (around $1 USD) for ads while we are learning what works for your ads and brand. This low budget/ bootstrap approach allows us to conserve budget while still testing BUT can throw up internal flags within the Meta Ads Manager. Don't worry though - there's nothing wrong!

Facebook oAuth Failure

The link between Tailwind Ads and Meta can be broken for a number of different reasons, such as you changing your password, Meta detecting abnormal activity on your account, new Facebook updates, and more. Getting a prompt to reconnect or re-authenticate Tailwind Ads to Meta shouldn't be a cause for concern, but it's important that you reconnect quickly so that your ads optimization continues. You can reconnect using automated pop-ups in our app or via Ad Settings at anytime.

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