The shuffle feature in Tailwind is a handy tool that allows you to randomly rearrange the order of your scheduled Pins while keeping the original time slots intact. This is especially great for scheduling in batches to ensure that your Pins are mixed up!
Follow these steps to shuffle your Pins in the Pin Scheduler. (Not using the Pin Scheduler? Try this article for the Original Legacy Publisher
Step 1: Unlock Pins You Want to Shuffle
Locked Pins will not be shuffled. So, if you want a Pin to remain in its current time slot, be sure to lock it. Unlocked Pins will be shuffled randomly when you use the shuffle feature.
Why are my pins locked? When you schedule Pins with an interval (like daily or weekly), they’re automatically locked to stick to that schedule. If you unlock them and shuffle the Pins, they won’t follow the original interval anymore. Warning: Unlocking interval Pins will break their scheduled interval, which could result in them being published on the same day or more frequently than planned.
To Unlock or Lock Pins:
Go to your Pin Scheduler
Hover over the Pin you want to lock or unlock
Click the lock icon in the upper-right corner of the Pin
Unlocked Pin: The lock will be open (not visible on the Pin icon).
Locked Pin: The lock will be closed (in the lower-right corner of the Pin icon).
OR hover over the settings wheel to bulk 'Lock All' or 'Unlock All'
Step 2: Shuffle Your Pins
Once you've unlocked the Pins you want to shuffle and locked the ones you want to keep in place, it's time to shuffle the order.
Look for the Shuffle Pins button at the top-right of the screen.
Click the Shuffle Pins button.