When using Communities, you probably noticed that there are members who are referred to as Community Owners and Admins. What is the difference between the two?
Community Owner
When you create a Community, you will automatically be made a Community Owner. Community Owners create the Community, add Community rules and invite the initial members.
As Community Owner, you will be able to:
Add and edit Community information (Community Rules, Descriptions, etc.)
Invite new members to Community
"Kick Out" current members and content from your Community (this includes Community Admins)
You can tell a Community Owner by the Crown symbol next to their name:
Community Admin
Community Admins are members that have been given admin permissions by the Community Owner. Community Admins can invite new members into Communities or remove other non-Admin members from the Community.
As Community Admin, you will be able to:
Add and edit Community information (Community Rules, Descriptions, etc.)
Invite new members to Communities
"Kick Out" other non-Admin members from the Community (Admins cannot remove owners).
You can tell a Community Admin by the Badge symbol next to their name: